Thursday, August 23, 2012

How To Create System Restore Point in Windows 7

What is system restore :

System Restore helps you restore your computer's system files to an earlier point in time. It's a way to undo system changes to your computer without affecting your personal files, such as e-mail, documents, or photos.
Why should you create system restore point : 
Sometimes, the installation of a program or a driver can cause an unexpected change to your computer or cause Windows to behave unpredictably. Usually, uninstalling the program or driver corrects the problem. If uninstalling doesn't fix the problem, you can try restoring your computer's system to an earlier date when everything worked correctly. 
How to create System restore point :
1) Right click on computer and go to properties
 2) In the left pane, click System protection.
 3) The System Properties dialog screen opens up. Here click on Create.
 4) Type in a description for the restore point which will help you remember the point at which is was created.
 5) The time it takes to create the restore point will depend on the amount of data, computer speed etc.
 6) Now if something goes wrong you have the satisfaction knowing that you can go back in time to the point before the changes were made.
How to use system restore point :
To use this system restore point follow steps 1-3 and click on system restore button. System Restore dialog box opens up, choose your system restore point and click next. Then click finish to start system restore process.
That's it. Done !

Sunday, August 19, 2012

How to get google to display Did you mean : [your name]

If you are searching something on Google and by mistake you mistyped, then  Google shows you did you mean : [correct keyword or phrase]. One day while surfing on internet I was wondered by seeing a photo,  uploaded by my friend. In that photo he searched phrase “greatest superstar of India” on Google and Google shows results as “did you mean : [his Name]”. So I tried to figure out how he did that. You want to know how to do this, lets do it.

How to Get Google to Display “Did you mean : [your name]”

google did you mean
 1) There is a dummy website in which you have to put your phrase and it shows results very similar to Google result page.
2) Go to : Gooogle
3) You have to Fill three fields
Your Search : Type what  you want seen in the URL of the page like (e.g. Best cs1.6 gamer in the world)
Did you mean : type what you want to appear in the “did you mean” part(e.g. Your name)
 Highlight : type what you want to be highlighted
google did you mean your name
 4) Now click on Gooogle button, then it shows three different options to share your page. To see result page, just click on image below option no 3.
google did you know name
 5) When you click on image, it shows result page which looks very similar to that of Google when it shows "Did you mean".
6) When you select first option, it add a image to your favorite social network or you can go for option no three--> print screen--> paste in paint--> crop --> upload. See how many like you will get or how your friends comment on your photo. Just For Fun !

Saturday, August 18, 2012

8 Best Funny Tech Pics That Make You Laugh Guaranteed !

I guaranteed that the tech-pics that i am going to share today make you laugh !
 1) Technology in Future :

Technology in future

 2) Wi-Fi :                                                                                                                                              

Wi Fi

3) What I actually Do :                                                                                                                    

Tech Support

4) Job at Google :                                                                                                                               

Job at Google

5) Perfect arrangement for PC :                                                                                                   

Perfect Computer

6) iPottie :                                                                                                                                             

Apple In Future

7 ) Keyboard Failure :                                                                                                                      

Keyboard failure

8) Next Generation Kids :                                                                                                              

next generation kids

Please share your comments in CommentBox. Thanks !

Disclaimer : The source for these images is internet. If anyone has complaint about the image please contact us, we will remove that image.

Friday, August 17, 2012

How To Make Your Computer Talks !

Make Your computer speak
Today i am going to show you how to make your computer talks whatever you type !
Its really cool trick. You can show your geeky skills to your friends by showing them your computer talks with you.
Make your computer Talks : 
1) Open Notepad. Copy and Paste following code :
Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter Text to Talk","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message 
 2) Save the file, give it any name e.g. Speak.vbs, but make sure you also type .VBS after the name. Also, choose All files instead of the default Text Documents.
 3) Now double click the .vbs file and you should see the window as show below
 4) Type what ever you want and click on OK . That’s it , your computer will speak what ever you typed in the default voice

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Simple Trick To Lock Your Computer

 This is the simple, easy trick to lock your computer.It is very important to lock your computer when you have to leave your computer for some time, especially when you are in company or college.
Generally, to lock your computer you have to do following procedure every time: Go to "Start--> Shut Down --> Lock". As shown below :

    But today i am going to show the easier way than this. In this trick we are going to create a shortcut on desktop or you can also lock your computer by pressing "Window Key+L" only.
Let's Start : 
1) Right Click on desktop-->choose "new"-->"shortcut". The shortcut wizard will open.
 2) Type the following text in TextBox :
%windir%\\System32\\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
 3) Click Next. Then Type the name for shortcut e.g. lock.
 4) Click "Finish". A shortcut icon will appear on your desktop. Now to lock your computer just double click on "lock" shortcut.
5) Another simple and best way to lock your computer is "WindowsKey+L".
Please share your comments in CommentBox ! 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Create Locked Password Protected Folder Without Using Any Software

Yes, you can create a locked password protected folder without using any third party software. While surfing on internet i found a .BAT script that creates a folder with password protection. You have to only copy & paste this script, put your password and you are done!

Here are the steps :
1) Open notepad. Copy and paste below script and save file as lock.bat
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== Your_password_goes_here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End

2) Now when you double click on lock.bat, it will create a new folder named "MyFolder". You can put your private data into this folder.
3) After that again double click on lock.bat, it will hide the MyFolder. To show this folder click on lock.bat and enter your password.

 4) In this type, there is one type of drawback that anyone can see your password. You have to just right click on lock.bat-->choose "edit" and you can see source for file lock.bat.
5) The solution is to convert this .bat file to .exe file. By doing this nobody can view source for lock.exe. But you have to download "Bat to Exe converter" for this.
6) Download Link for : "Bat to Exe converter"
7) Open converter and select path of your .bat file and click on compile.

8) Done ! Delete the lock.bat file and Enjoy your locked password protected folder.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Shrink Or Extend Volumes In Windows 7 Without Formatting

Shrink or Extend Volumes Using Disk Management Utility :
Disk Management Utility is a built-in tool in Windows 7. It can be used to shrink or extend volumes, create or delete hard disk partition, format partition, change drive letter and so on without formatting your windows 7.
Let's Start :
1) Go to "start" and type "disk management", and hit enter.
2) Window like shown below opens, it is Disk Management Utility.

3) Now select the volume you want to shrink and right click on it-->choose shrink volume.
 4) After calculating space available, it shows details.
5) After shrinking process a new column "free space" will be appear.
6) The process of shrinking is done. Now you can create new partition(volume) of this free space or you can extend it to its previous volume(in this case "G:").
7) To extend the volume right click on G: -->choose extend volume and follow the wizard. It will immediately extend the volume.

  8) To create new volume, right click on "free space"-->choose "new simple volume" and follow the wizard.
9) IT'S DONE !
Please, share your comments, queries in comment Box. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

3 Best Websites To Download Free Movies

Why Pay? Get all this free !
There's never been a better time to be a cheapskate. Instead of buying CDs, DVDs, you can download almost any movie without paying a penny. Movies new and old are mere clicks away, with no registration required.
1) world4free 
You can search and download free movies in categories like bollywood, hollywood, dubbed in hindi hollywood movies. You can also download full PC software, Games, movie trailers, songs, lyrics, HD wallpapers and more.

2) worldfree4u
Here you can download movies in categories like Bollywood, Hollywood, Punjabi movies, dual audio Hollywood movies. Also you can download free PC software's, games, songs. You can watch online TV or online movie, no need to download.

3) hnmovies
Here you can find huge collection of movies in different categories like Bollywood, Hollywood, Dual audio Hollywood, 18+ movies, horror movies, animated movies and lot more.

NOTE !  I recommend to use IDM for downloading these movies as it supports resume capabilities and improves downloading speed. You can check my older post to make your IDM full version : How to crack IDM to Full version
Please share your views in comment !!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Restore Accidentally Deleted Files with Recuva

It can be the worst feeling in the world when you accidentally delete a very important file you have been working on for days.  Today we look at Recuva, a free tool that helps you restore accidentally deleted files.
 What is Recuva ?
Recuva is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses!
After using Recuva for a couple of days, I have ended up being very impressed with it. It is very fast with finding recoverable files and when you click on what you want brought back, it restores the file and sends it back to your hard drive within seconds.
Let's Begin :
1) Download Recuva from here... and install it.
2) When you first start up Recuva it brings up an easy to follow wizard which guides you through the recovery process.  There is an option to disable this from starting up if you don’t care to use it.
 3) Now choose the type of file your trying to recover.  If you’re not sure click on Other to show all files
 4) Select the location of where the file was located.  You can choose removable media, certain directories, or search everywhere on the computer.
5) Wait while Recuva scans your system for deleted files.
6) When you get the results it will show the file(s) and the green or red dot next to them lets you know how likely they will be restored without any damage.

 7) Now say I want to want to recover those 3 files? I just need to tick them and click the “recover” button. Recuva will ask me to specify where on the computer they should go.
8) Just remember to untick those files in Recuva before you close the program because Recuva remembers those files next time and will keep on downloading them over and over again! So untick them once you have recovered them.
Note : But as with any deleted file that you want to bring back, the older it is, the harder it will be to bring back. Plus if you are able to bring it back, the older it is, the more corrupted the file will be. So if you want to bring a deleted file back, you need to do it as fast as possible. The more you delay, the less chance there is of recovering it.
Do you use Recuva? If so, what have been your experiences with it?  What do you think about recuva? Is there any better software than recuva? please share your views in comments.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

10 Best Websites To Download Free eBooks

It would be nice if we’re able to download free e-book. That’s why we’ve again crawled deep into the Internet to compile this list of 10 places to download free e-books for your use. 
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